Friday, 6 August 2021

How to Improve The Biomass Briquette Quality

Biomass briquette is a type of renewable briquette which is much in demand in recent years and, there are many factors that can affect the biomass briquette quality. By using the useful tips given in this article, you will be able to improve biomass briquette quality. Numerous factors will influence the biomass briquette. There are divided into two parts. The first part is –internal part and the second part is the external part. Its internal part mainly contains raw material. While the external part includes the heating temperature, pressure, and the size of the raw material. If you want to know about tips on biomass briquette quality and the working process of Briquette Machine, this article is for you.


The heating temperature

The heating temperature has a great impact on the briquette density and strength. For the same raw materials with certain moisture, the necessary briquetting pressure will be lower in high temperatures. As you know, biomass briquette is typically a binder-free wat as we are the internal binder lignin. Around temperature 70 to 100 degrees Celsius, the lignin will become soft. When the temperature will rise, the binding affection will become better. The lignin starts melting when the temperature is reached at 160 degrees Celsius. And it turns into a gel that makes the binding effect much strong


The briquette pressure

In the biomass briquette making process, pressure is regarded as the most important factor. This briquette process is divided into three steps. The first step is soft briquetting-the second is transition briquetting, and stable briquetting. As the pressure is low in the first two steps and the density will increase quickly when the pressure is increased. While in the third step, the density will increase slowly along with the pressure.


The briquette and pressure keeping time

The pressure has its own effect on the quality of briquette when it`s small while it affects little when it`s big. It has been seen that the quality of affection can be ignored if the pressure-keeping time is more than 40 seconds. On the other side if the pressure keeping time is more than 20 seconds, an extra 10 seconds on pressure keeping the briquette density by 5%.



Raw material type

In different briquette methods, different kind of raw material is needed. Some raw material such as wood type, straw, etc. is good to briquette with the heating system. As the lignin create a well performance on the high temperature which highly enhancements the plasticity.


The moisture of the raw material

The density relaxation and burning effect of the biomass briquette are affected by moisture. Raw material with appropriate moisture will get an ideal briquette effect. Suitable moisture will help to pass pressure on the particle and a well lubricating. But the biomass that we get has moisture around 20-40%. The first part of the briquette energy will cost extra and useless moisture when briquette with high moisture. The raw material having low moisture is not suitable for lignin plasticization.



Crushed size of the raw material

The quality metrics of the biomass briquette are affected by crushed size-fall resistanceand density relaxation. When the raw material is introduced in a certain type of briquette machine, the size of the raw material must be smaller than the mould briquette output whole size. The raw material which is unsuitable in size, especially different in size and shape and will make the briquette with crack. The raw material will affect the strength of the biomass briquette. When the raw material is big, it will decrease the effectiveness of the briquette machine and also upturn the power consumption.


The Final word

These days biomass briquette making has become more popular with the development of renewable energy. This is all about Biomass Briquette Machine and tips to improve biomass briquette quality. Biomass waste recycles plant helps to make a good profit and also protection for the world`s environment today and onwards. 



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