Tuesday 20 November 2018

India’s Top Biomass Briquette Machine Manufacturer

Biomass briquette plant has become vital for the production of the clean and green energy from the renewable sources. The increased prices of the fossils and need to reduce greenhouse gases have increased its demand. Also, solid biomass is quickly available, has low cost, and easy sustainability. 
Beside this, agro or forest biomass is usually hard to handle because it’s too heavy, pose legal & administrative issues, generates a large amount of smoke, and has low thermal efficiency. Thus to attain maximum efficiency of these resources, it is essential to compress them into compact and manageable blocks that possess high thermal combustion. This process is known as briquetting or pelletization.

In the case of biomass briquetting, huge pressure is applied to a mass of waste particles without any binder to convert them into a compact aggregate. This process works quite well for a broad range of feed-stocks because they are homogeneous and possesses moisture below 15 percent. Briquetting enhances the features of the biomass by densification. Densification means less volume is required for the similar energy output.
What are Biomass Briquettes?
Biomass briquettes are the high-density bio-fuels made from densified biomass like coffee husks, groundnut shells, coir dust, rice husks, sawdust, furniture waste, etc. via the use of the briquettingpress. This energy source is carbon neutral and poses less effect on the environment. These smokeless briquettes are more hygienic to the rural people mainly for the ladies that are always trying hard to find sufficient fuel supplies.

Densification of Biomass Leads to:
  • High volumetric energy density
  • Less dust production when handling
  • The low water content in the fuel
  • High storage stability (less biodegradation)
  • Higher homogeneity of the fuel

Benefits of Briquetted Fuel from Agro Wastes:
  • Alternative sustainable energy
  • A useful tool that helps to fight against climate change
  • Less pollution
  • High calorific value
  • Minimal handling of bio-fuel
  • Reduced storage and transportation costs
  • Low dust levels
  • Improved overall biomass quality, durability, and stability
  • High heating values
  • Reduced deforestation by providing a substitute of wood

EcoStan® Micromax Combo for Sustainable Green Fuel
There is a need for biomass-based fuel briquetting in every country. EcoStan® is the first-class BiomassBriquette Machine Manufacturer in India. Micromax Combo produces both biomass briquettes and pellets without the need of any binder/adhesive.
  • Inexpensive
  • Easy to operate
  • Suitable for all types of agriculture wastes
  • Non-polluting source of energy supply