Sunday 30 June 2019

Use White Coal Machine to Resolve Energy Crisis, Deforestation, and Emissions

Humans have been using fossil fuel for thousands of years. There is no doubt that it is meeting increasing energy demands of people across the globe. But at the same time, the fossil is also generating emissions that are contributing to pollution, global warming, and acid rain. Near about 1.9 million tons of co2 is released by coal-burning power plants every year.  During combustion, they emit 52 tons of mercury, 8 tons of beryllium, 3 tons of cadmium, 47 tons of arsenic, 62 tons of chromium, 184 tons of selenium, and 52 tons of nickel, into the air every year.

These elements are not just deadly to human beings, but other life forms too. The best solution to get rid of it is to set up white coal project. You can make white coal by using forest and agricultural waste via white coal machine and sell it to mint huge profits. It can be effectively used to replace fossils like firewood, coal, etc. because it does not produce any harmful gas such as nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide.

Value from Waste

Tons of biomass waste is produced every year in India that gets burnt inefficiently. But farmers can gain big value from them by using white coal machine. It produces high-density fuel briquettes from agro waste. These cylindrical shaped logs are made usually by high pressure but without the use of any binder or chemical. Also, the use of this reliable fuel can cut down the climate-damaging carbon emissions from fossils and fix other environmental issues like waste disposal, deforestation, and more. It means that it’s a carbon-neutral fuel that does not pollute soil and water.

Green Coal: Fuel of Future

These eco-briquettes also have high calorific value and also pose a significant impact on low-income families and communities due to its ease of availability, sustainability, and low cost. But successful densification of loose organic biomass via white coal machine depends on tons of factors like moisture content, particle size, shatter index, compaction temperature, and pressures. Also, the conversion of agro waste into solid briquettes fix storage, handling, and transportation problems that are common in loose biomass. So get ready to accomplish the advantages of carbon credit using white coal project.

Friday 14 June 2019

Sawdust Making Machine: Use of Sawdust in Your Compost Pile

Compost is a full soil conditioner and plant food that has been practiced since 4000 years. It’s excellent for root growth, soil structures, and worms. Sawdust Machine composting uses natural waste back onto the garden instead of ending up in a landfill. This also helps you lower the production of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint in a small way, but it is usually hard to create. So if you want to do it successfully, you need to grab the right ingredients in the correct balance. 

Sawdust making machine converts wood into high-quality sawdust in one go. You can use the by-product in many ways like bedding for animals, adding it to the compost pile and manure for the garden, walkway for preventing erosion, and much more. It’s a good idea to compost sawdust from untreated and genuine wood like ash, oak, pine. It’s because uncontaminated sawdust soaks up extra moisture in the wet compost heaps and this speeds up composting process.


Just put sawdust into existing compost so that they get damp and also prevent them for creating a thick layer on the top. Thick layer usually lower air flow in a heap. Sawdust and mulch is an excellent blend of green and brown. The main issue is that both are compact and fine textured. To make them fluffy, try to consider running a few PVC pipes with a hole in it because this will boost air circulation. You can also add fungi to speed up sawdust degradation.

Just note that compost has already high amount of carbon and when you add sawdust and nitrogen to it, the organic matter gets broken down and you will get a high quality, friable material that you can use to enrich your garden soil. This adds goodness and nutrients that plants need for better development and growth. Different kind of woods rots at different rates. Also, fresh wood waste does not get combined into the soil but only change chemical composition. This cause issues for plant growth. Therefore, it’s best to place a permeable membrane on the soil surface and then add sawdust manure on the top of it. The mulch will slowly break down as the time passes, weeds start growing in it, and after three or four years, you can safely add it your home compost bin. Compost gets ready when it’s dark brown in color, fluffy, and gives an earthly smell.